Topik sport


Netizen: King Indo masuk Group Neraka Round 3 Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026

Bisnis | Industri | Internasional | News | Sport | Sports | Jumat, 28 Juni 2024 - 01:18 WIB

Jumat, 28 Juni 2024 - 01:18 WIB Jakarta – Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 sudah memasuki Round 3 atau dibagi menjadi 3 Group, Drawing Round 3 telah digelar di markas AFC Kuala…


Indonesia Gasak Laos 6 – 1 Pada Ajang AFF U16 2024

News | Sport | Sports | Kamis, 27 Juni 2024 - 15:34 WIB

Kamis, 27 Juni 2024 - 15:34 WIB – Jakarta Timnas Indonesia menghadi Laos pada 27/06/2024 di Stadion Manahan, Surakarta, Kamis (27/6) malam, pada laga terakhir Fase Group. Pada menit kelima…


Babak pertama Indonesia Ungguli Korea Selatan 2-1

News | Sport | Sports | Jumat, 26 April 2024 - 01:50 WIB

Jumat, 26 April 2024 - 01:50 WIB Jakarta – Pada Laga Korea Selatan VS Indonesia di perempat Final AFC Asian Cup U23 Korea Selatan sempat mencetak gol ke gawang Ernando Ari…

Penggawa Timnas Indonesia pada Piala AFF 2020


Timnas Indonesia Porak porandakan gawang Singapura pada leg ke 2 Semifinal AFF 2020

News | Sport | Sports | Minggu, 26 Desember 2021 - 13:04 WIB

Minggu, 26 Desember 2021 - 13:04 WIB Jakarta – Laga antara timnas Indonesia vs Singapura memang berlangsung ketat sejak awal laga. Sempat unggul lebih dahulu melalui Ezra Walian pada menit…


Pasca lolos Grand Final Liga STD Exelent Soccer dapati Banjir Dukungan dari Para pemain Bola Profesional Tanah Air

News | Sport | Video | Jumat, 22 Oktober 2021 - 21:55 WIB

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2021 - 21:55 WIB


Keep Gnats From Becoming A Pain in the Neck

Entertainment | Rabu, 9 Juni 2021 - 20:16 WIB

Rabu, 9 Juni 2021 - 20:16 WIB

Swatting at gnats and bugs all day is literally — and figuratively — a pain in the neck. But did you know that the…

Image : FCDC Baringin Clup, | Pemain bersama Manajer dan Official clup


FCDC Baringin berhasil menumbangkan PORSA salimpaung pada Liga Salingka Tanah Datar

News | Sport | Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021 - 20:10 WIB

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021 - 20:10 WIB, Tanah Datar- Sabtu 13/03/2021 Liga Salingka Tanah Datar bergulir di Lapangan Bola kali Lima kaum yang mepertemukan football Club DC Baringin VS PORSA…


Excellent Soccer keluar Sebagai Runner up Pada Piala

News | Regional | Sport | Sumbar | Senin, 1 Februari 2021 - 13:34 WIB

Senin, 1 Februari 2021 - 13:34 WIB, Padang – Bermain dipartai puncak ajang piala kata polos u16, Excellent batusangkar keluar sebagai runner up. Tampil menekan sejak menit pertama dan berhasil…

Permain Execellent Soccer Batusangkar Bersama Ketua DPRD Tanah Datar.


Berlaga di semifinal Piala Excellent Berhasil melaju ke Final, yg disaksikan Langsung Ketua DPRD Tanah Datar

News | Sport | Sabtu, 30 Januari 2021 - 20:46 WIB

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2021 - 20:46 WIB, Padang – 30/01/2021 Pertandingan Semifinal kedua antara Excellent Soccer Batusangkar vs RKS Sijunjung yang dihelat di Stadion Gor H.Agus Salim Padang disaksikan langsung…

Juara Turnamen Ikmal Cup 2020


THOMMAS Club Bawa Pulang Tropi Juara 1 di Turnamen voli DPP IKMAL 2020.

News | Sport | Selasa, 17 November 2020 - 23:19 WIB

Selasa, 17 November 2020 - 23:19 WIB Tanah Datar – Tunas Harapan Olahraga Muda/i Muaro Ambius THOMMAS Club bawa pulang tropi juara 1 dan Tabanas pada turnamen bola voli dijorong Duo…

Tim Indonesia Menyanyikan Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya | Image Source : Designed by


Brylian Aldama dan M Supriadi membawa Indonesia Unggul 2-1 atas Qatar

News | Sport | Video | Jumat, 18 September 2020 - 01:13 WIB

Jumat, 18 September 2020 - 01:13 WIB – Timnas U-19 Indonesia sejatinya tampil lebih agresif dibanding Qatar sejak peluit tanda pertandingan dimulai berbunyi, Sejumlah peluang bagi Indonesia berhasil dimunculkan lewat pergerakan…


4 Things to Bring With You to Enjoy Any Sporting Event

News | Senin, 30 Maret 2020 - 16:28 WIB

Senin, 30 Maret 2020 - 16:28 WIB

How ‘bout them Cowboys?! As pre-season gets into full swing and America gears up for the upcoming football season, sports fans are prepping their…

Regardless of whether you're going to the beach or pool, make sure you have goggles, noodles and other flotation devices. Your time in the water will never be more enjoyable.


The Best Accessories for Going Swimming

Travel | Senin, 30 Maret 2020 - 16:15 WIB

Senin, 30 Maret 2020 - 16:15 WIB

Summer. The word itself sounds so relaxing and soothing to the senses. And nothing is more soothing in the summer than swimming. At the…

The biggest tip is to realize that you're never too old, too slow or too out-of-shape to begin living an active lifestyle. Whether it's walking the dog a bit further than usual, or taking a swim at the local health club -; finding ways to get active can help you live healthier and be more optimistic.


Championing the Right to Age Well

News | Senin, 30 Maret 2020 - 13:37 WIB

Senin, 30 Maret 2020 - 13:37 WIB

In 1967, one of today’s most iconic runners made her mark in history. Despite an angry official who tried to push her off the…

Combining sauna and fitness works by incorporating infrared heat to warm the muscles, thus helping users perform high-intensity resistance exercises with reduced risk of injury.


Entrepreneurs Embrace In-House Fitness

Energi | Life Style | Jumat, 15 November 2019 - 09:26 WIB

Jumat, 15 November 2019 - 09:26 WIB

The popularity of health and fitness services is driving many entrepreneurs to start home-based businesses. For those innovative individuals, Fitbomb, a patented fitness tool,…

This route takes serious patience. Begin with smaller goals, such as gaining one pound of muscle per month. You can accomplish this by increasing the amount of weight and reps with each workout. The Bowflex SelectTech 560 Dumbbells condense 32 different weights down to two -- maximizing space and storage at home.


How to Give Your 2016 Resolutions Staying Power

Energi | Fintech | Jumat, 15 November 2019 - 09:12 WIB

Jumat, 15 November 2019 - 09:12 WIB

With any new year comes a clean slate and a chance to take on new goals. For many, resolutions revolve around healthy changes, but…

The lack of regular physical activity results in 250,000 deaths annually, according to a 2003 report in the medical journal Circulation. The least physically fit persons have a mortality risk 4.5 times higher than physically fit persons.


Instead of a Sports Fan, Become a Sports Participant

Bisnis | Kamis, 14 November 2019 - 15:48 WIB

Kamis, 14 November 2019 - 15:48 WIB

It’s home run time. From spring training through the World Series in October, baseball fans are glued to their flat screens. Vascular surgeon David…

The age-old 8-glasses-a-day rule doesn't always suffice in the hot summer months. People should try to drink 12 glasses a day, especially if they are planning on working out, playing sports or spending excessive amounts of time in the sun.


How to Stay Hydrated Like a Pro All Summer

Fintech | Kamis, 14 November 2019 - 15:45 WIB

Kamis, 14 November 2019 - 15:45 WIB

Many of us spend our summer soaking up the sun. Kids are out of school, outdoor sports are plenty, and people are enjoying warm…

By offering SilverSneakers through its Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, Humana is working to overcome those barriers so more people with Medicare can benefit from exercising.


SilverSneakers Fitness Program Improves Older Adult’s Physical and Mental Health

Energi | Infrastruktur | Kamis, 14 November 2019 - 15:35 WIB

Kamis, 14 November 2019 - 15:35 WIB

Joanne C. was 74 when she had a stroke two years ago that left her paralyzed on the entire right side of her body….